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Genre Conventions for Book Covers


Welcome back to our series on choosing the best premade book cover. In this post, we’ll focus on one of the most crucial aspects of book cover design: fitting genre conventions. Genre conventions are the visual elements and styles that readers expect to see on book covers within a particular genre. By adhering to these conventions, you can attract the right audience and increase the likelihood of your book’s success.

Why Genre Conventions Matter

Broad Appeal and Targeted Attraction

Sticking to genre conventions helps ensure that your book cover has broad appeal while also targeting the right readers. Genre conventions act as a visual shorthand, immediately communicating to potential readers what type of book they can expect. This can help draw in readers who enjoy that genre while filtering out those who might not, thereby reducing the risk of negative reviews from disappointed readers.

Reader Expectations

Readers in different genres have specific expectations when it comes to book covers. For example, romance readers might look for covers featuring couples or romantic scenes, while thriller readers might be drawn to dark, moody covers with a sense of suspense. By meeting these expectations, you can make your book more appealing to your target audience.

How to Determine Genre Conventions

Step 1: Research Popular Books

The first step in understanding genre conventions is to research popular books in your genre. Browse bestseller lists on platforms like Amazon, Goodreads, and Barnes & Noble. Take note of the common elements in these covers. What colors are used? What types of images or graphics are common? How is the text formatted?

Step 2: Analyze Key Elements

While researching, focus on the following key elements:

  1. Mood and Tone: Determine whether the covers are generally dark and moody or light and bright. This can help you decide on the overall mood for your cover.
  2. Characters: Look at whether the covers feature people. Are there single characters, couples, or groups? Are the characters illustrated or photographed?
  3. Setting: Check if the setting is prominently featured on the cover. For example, fantasy covers might often include magical landscapes or medieval settings.
  4. Color Scheme: Identify the common color schemes. Are the covers vibrant and colorful, or are they more muted and subtle?
  5. Typography: Observe the style and size of the fonts used. Is the title prominent, or is the image the focal point? Are the fonts decorative or straightforward?

Step 3: Regular Browsing

Make it a habit to regularly browse new releases and popular books in your genre. This will help you stay updated on current trends and ensure that your cover aligns with reader expectations. Regular browsing also allows you to see how genre conventions evolve over time.

Common Genre Conventions


Romance covers often feature soft, warm colors and romantic imagery. Here are some common elements:

  • Couples: Covers typically feature couples in romantic poses.
  • Soft Lighting: Warm, soft lighting to evoke a sense of intimacy.
  • Decorative Fonts: Elegant, decorative fonts for the title and author name.
  • Setting: Seaside locations, gardens, or cozy indoor scenes.


Thriller covers are designed to create a sense of suspense and intrigue. Common elements include:

  • Dark Colors: Dark and moody color schemes.
  • Silhouettes: Silhouettes of characters or mysterious figures.
  • Bold Fonts: Strong, bold fonts for the title to create impact.
  • Urban Settings: Cityscapes or isolated, eerie locations.


Fantasy covers often have a magical or otherworldly feel. Key elements include:

  • Magical Landscapes: Enchanted forests, castles, or mythical creatures.
  • Vivid Colors: Vibrant and rich color schemes.
  • Elaborate Fonts: Ornate, fantasy-style fonts for the title.
  • Heroic Characters: Characters in action poses, often with weapons or magical items.

Science Fiction

Science fiction covers often highlight futuristic or technological themes. Look for these elements:

  • Futuristic Imagery: Spaceships, advanced technology, or alien landscapes.
  • Cool Colors: Blues, silvers, and metallic tones.
  • Clean Fonts: Sleek, modern fonts that convey a sense of technology.
  • Abstract Designs: Geometric shapes or abstract designs that suggest advanced science.

Exceptions to Genre Conventions

While sticking to genre conventions is generally a good idea, there are exceptions where breaking the rules can work to your advantage.

Established Authors

Authors with a moderate to large following can afford to be more experimental with their covers. Their established audience is likely to pick up their book regardless of the cover, allowing more flexibility in design.

Deliberate Experimentation

Some authors may choose to experiment with cover design as part of a strategic marketing approach. This could involve A/B testing different cover designs to see which one performs better. Experimentation can help an author stand out in a crowded market, but it should be done with a clear understanding of the risks and potential benefits.

Standout Designs

Occasionally, you may come across a premade book cover that’s a total knockout, even if it doesn’t strictly adhere to genre conventions. If your instincts tell you that a cover is truly special and attention-grabbing, it may be worth considering. However, make sure it still aligns with the overall tone and style of your book.

Practical Tips for Selecting a Genre-Appropriate Cover

Tip 1: Create a Moodboard

A moodboard is a visual tool that helps you gather and organize inspiration for your book cover. Collect images, color palettes, and typography samples that you feel represent your book’s genre and tone. This will help you clarify your vision and communicate it effectively to cover designers or when selecting a premade cover.

Tip 2: Use a Template

Consider using a template to guide your cover design process. Templates can help ensure that you include all the necessary elements and maintain a consistent layout. Many design software programs offer genre-specific templates that can serve as a helpful starting point.

Tip 3: Get Feedback

Before finalizing your cover, seek feedback from fellow authors, readers, or professional designers. They can provide valuable insights and help you identify any elements that may not align with genre conventions or reader expectations.

Tip 4: Test Different Options

If possible, test different cover designs with your target audience. This can be done through social media polls, email newsletters, or online focus groups. Testing can provide valuable data on which cover is most appealing and likely to attract readers.


Fitting genre conventions is a crucial step in selecting the best premade book cover. By understanding and adhering to these conventions, you can create a cover that attracts the right readers and increases your book’s chances of success. Remember to regularly research and stay updated on trends within your genre, and don’t be afraid to seek feedback and test different options. With these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to choosing a book cover that not only looks great but also performs effectively in the marketplace.

In our next post, we’ll dive into the importance of composition and layout in book cover design. Stay tuned!